Ease of Use, Accessibility, and Safety Products

A finished parking lot must include appropriate signs and safety devices. These tools help to increase the curb appeal, direct the flow of traffic, and provide a safe environment for customers.


Speed Bumps

Speed bumps can be tailored to your specific needs. Sizes, colors, and speed limiting capabilities are a few options available. Speed tables and speed humps are another style of speed bumps. Speed tables are usually longer and flatter which typically is used for operating speeds of around 25-30 mph while humps cause vehicles to slow around 20 mph. Speed bumps can slow vehicles down to about 5 mph or less depending on spacing between each row.


Car Stops

We offer a wide variety of car stops. Many color options are available such as safety yellow, grey, white, blue (ideal for handicap spaces). Installation and removal services are available, please contact us for a free estimate. Materials options include concrete and plastic car stops. Car stops can be installed on asphalt or concrete surfaced parking lots. Help protect your customers and property from damage and dangerous situations by having the proper car stops tailored to your needs. Custom stencils or markings can be added to the car stops indicating valet, reserved parking, handicap only, etc.



No facility or parking lot would be complete without the proper signs. We are able to remove, replace, or install all types of sign styles. Common signs include handicap space indicators, stop signs, no parking signs, speed limit signs, and directional arrows. Overlooking the use of signs in your parking area can cause traffic problems and decrease pedestrian safety.



Stencils are applied directly to the asphalt surface to mark various types of designated areas. Stencils can include handicap parking spaces, loading or unloading zones, fire lanes, and directional arrows. They give the lot a finished look and make a safe environment for vehicles and pedestrians. ADA compliance is no problem for us, we will make sure your lot is up to code and ready for use.



Most parking lots will have some types of bollards across the property. Bollards can have specific uses in certain areas and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. Bollards help to increase lot safety and control traffic conditions. Many are removable or collapsible and some are permanently placed. Bollards can control access to restricted areas providing security where vehicle traffic is unwanted and also help to protect against ram-raiding style of heist. Whatever your needs are we can install, remove, replace, cover, or paint bollards.



Road reflectors are also commonly called raised pavement markers, road studs, pavement reflectors, or street reflectors. They are used for traffic control and general safety. Choices of styles, colors, shapes, and sizes can be customized to fit your project needs. Reflectors can be placed directly on the pavement surface or along concrete barriers and sign post. The safer you can mark your parking lot the better environment you make for your guests experience. These simple things can take your property to the next level of customer satisfaction.

Manhole Cover for Water on white

Utility Adjustments

Utility adjustments may be needed when repaving asphalt surfaces. Existing manhole covers, water valves, or drains will have to be leveled flush with the new layers of asphalt to provide a safe and trip free surface for vehicles and pedestrian traffic.


Truncated Domes

Truncated domes are detectable warning surfaces for determining the boundary between sidewalks and streets for people with visual disabilities.